
而沙发上的男人见到女人,则是激动的站了起来,一把握住女人的手,说道:“Finally meeting you, miss Ryan. I am a loyal fan of you. Your singing voice is really charming, and it deeply attracts me. today, I am truly honored to be able to speak to you face-to-face(终于见到你了,瑞安小姐,我是你忠实的粉丝,你的歌声真是太有魅力了,它深深地吸引着我,今天我真的很荣幸能和您面对面说话)”

万佳丽·瑞安不着痕迹的抽回了自己的手,嫌弃的脸色一瞬间在脸上飘过,然后换了个笑脸,走到沙发坐下,说道:“Ruisi is a famous person, but your reputation is even more impressive than my husband's(瑞斯大人才是鼎鼎大名,您的名气可是比我老公还要更如雷贯耳)”


莉莉在一旁实在看不下去了,但她又不死心的看了看那扇紧闭的房门,走了过去拽了拽自己父亲的袖子,然后小声道:“dad, what are you doing? we're not here today to make you chase after stars. be careful, I'll tell mom(爸爸,你在干嘛,我们今天来不是让你追星的,小心我告诉妈妈)”

男人闻言抖了一下,然后轻咳一声,来缓解自己的害怕,然后笑眯眯的说着:“miss Ryan, I took the liberty of bringing my daughter here today to apologize to Young master Ling and discuss further matters(瑞安小姐,今天我带着我女儿冒昧前来,是想来跟令公子道歉并商量一下后续事宜)”

女人歪着头思考了一会,说道:“Apologize, didn't you already say that? there are still follow-up matters, what is that?(道歉啊,那不早就道过了吗,还有后续事宜,那是什么?)”

男人继续说道:“You should also know about the two of them. If it hadn't been for this accident, they could have had a wedding, but now something like this has happened. I heard that there is a possibility of blindne,our two families are both the same, and we value face very much. matching family is the basic requirement. Now that he is like this, he is a bit superior to our Lily, but who makes our Lily highly emo,So even if he's like this, our family won't dislike him, but if you want to marry Lily, there are still some small conditions(您应该也知道他们俩的事情,如果没有这场事故,他俩就可以举行婚礼了,但现在却出了这样的事,我听说以后有可能会失明,我们两家都一样,是极看重脸面的,门当户对是基本的条件,现在他这样,是有点高攀我们家莉莉,但是谁让我们家莉莉是个极重感情的,所以就算他这样我们家也是不会嫌弃的,但是需要的是...)”


男人见女人也不反驳,也不顾女儿死拽的袖子继续说道:“It's actually quite simple. Recently, I heard that your pany has had some problems. Since both of us are going to bee in-laws, if your son can be our son-in-law and give me 30% of the shares,we agree to their matter

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